Whether you are embarking on niche placement or link placement, the fact stands that you are attempting one of the most vital steps in developing the rank of a webpage or site. Remembering that a higher ranking on Google- the world's top search engine site- equals increased visibility, more traffic, and improved conversions makes the process even more crucial. Because of this, SEO's, digital marketing experts, and business owners must pay closer attention to their niche or link placement strategy. Here you find out why the rave about the niche or link placement, exactly what link placement is, and how to do link placement. Also, we will mention why you need a niche placement strategy as we delve more into the topic. But first, what exactly should you know about niche placement strategy?
What is niche or link placement about?
Why the rave about link placement? One might ask. Well, link placements, which are also referred to as niche placements are authentic backlinks placed on authority websites. These authority sites are not just any sites but they exist in the same industry as yours. Also, proper link placement demands the insertion of the backlinks in existing relevant pages. That said, a great niche placement strategy is quite rewarding. Its benefits include increasing the rank of your website on Google, increasing your referral traffic, establish a connection with tons of sites and you get to receive contextual links from old sites with indexed articles.

But why is there a need for a link placement strategy in the first place? A niche or link placement strategy simply describes your overall plan. It does not refer to a one-time act but your entire approach to link placement. Because of the numerous ways of approaching link placement, you must identify and develop a strategy that works best for you. So, how do you get to do niche or link placement and come out on top as a winner? Here is what you must know.
How to do niche or link placement
1.) Outreach

This involves getting in touch with persons in your industry and letting them know about your content. This process is integral to any great link placement strategy. You can get to do this even without having any content beforehand. All you need is a link-worthy item. This can either be a product, brand, business, service, or profile. So, you see, it is not so difficult after all, especially now that you know what will suffice.
One principle that you can adopt is to create value. Once your audience finds something that you offer to be valuable, then you are in business.
But take note that not just anything will suffice. You are better off reaching out with linkable assets. What this means is that you will be presenting useful content to the persons in your niche like infographics, tools, or big blog posts to get their attention.
Should you reach out to just everyone in your niche? Not necessarily. An outreach to every person in your niche is tasking. It can be almost impossible in some niches. Hence, the need to narrow down your list of persons to reach out to. You can opt to include persons who have similar content on a particular topic to start with. You can also include those persons who have articles that mention the target keyword that you have an interest in.
2.) Building broken links

Building broken links involve three vital steps. You need to find broken links on your website that still holds relevance. Now, you need to recreate a lookalike content to the resource that is broken. Then, you can take the link building a step further by reaching out to persons linked to that broken resource to link with yours instead.
This step requires work and there is no doubting that. Still, there are several ways to accomplish this without breaking so much sweat. You can commence the process of finding relevant broken links by peering into pages of your competitor’s sites. A tool like Ahrefs’ Broken Link Checker can help you find broken pages and everyone who links to a certain page with ease. Just go to Ahref's Site Explorer, punch in the URL of the competition, select best by links, and include the “404” filter. Piece of cake right? True, this presents enormous opportunities for building links.
3.) Reclaim lost links

Truth be told, building links is no mere feat. It is not a secret for SEOs or digital marketing experts. After building a link, the process continues. This is because the link you worked so hard to build gets lost at some point. Hence, the need to keep being active. It is a natural process that even the most adept of backlink builder or SEO’er cannot avoid. But one might wonder why a link gets lost? There are two major reasons why links get lost. It is either the linking page does not exist anymore or the link attached to the page has been removed. Also, refreshing the content of one's page can lead to a loss of the link. This is quite common as many authors unintentionally delete old pages when refreshing or updating their content.
However, it must be said that there are other reasons apart from these why a link gets missing. Knowing why you have lost a link will help you determine how to handle that situation. Your ultimate goal should be reclaiming your links.
4.) Syndicating and repurposing your content

Sometimes, your link placement strategy goes beyond outreaching.
Syndicating your content gets you backlinks. It happens when relevant sites in your niche pick up your published post, for instance. Then, they repost it on their platforms and include a link to the original source of the article.
Meanwhile, repurposing is a different proposition entirely. By submitting your content to relevant sites like video-sharing sites and infographic directories, you can find some other link-building opportunities. But delivering your content to such platforms is not just straightforward. For instance, your content may have been a written article about a trend in your niche. And you want to leverage on a video-sharing platform to build links. You see, it just would not fly. You need to tailor your content into the appropriate format for such platforms.
By simply repurposing your content and tailoring it to fit into the required format of the platform you are leveraging on, you get to increase your link-building chances. Although such links might not be the strongest backlinks out there, they are worth having.
5.) Make the most of unlinked mentions

It can be tasking to convince others to give you a backlink, especially when they know little about you. It is also true that sometimes you get mentioned – either your product or brand- by an authority in your niche without getting a link. Unlike when you are reaching out to others for the first time, such mentions here show that they already know you in some ways. So, your job is partially done. The author has a fair idea of your content or product, giving you even have more reasons to reach out and request a link. Hence, increasing your likelihood to get such links.
Wrapping Up
As seemingly challenging as many describe link-building to be, it is not rocket science. True, outreaching persons in your niche, building broken links, reclaiming lost links, repurposing your content, or fetching unmentioned links demands so much investment. Whether you are investing your effort, time, or other resources, building solid backlinks are beneficial. A good link-placement strategy gets you even more. It consistently creates opportunities to get good quality backlinks from even authority website. And we all know that Google loves seeing links to relevant websites with authority in one's niche. This is undeniably one of the fastest and most reliable ways to find oneself on Google's first search engine result page. Ranking for the very top of the SERP requires more though but having solid backlinks forms a great foundation to build one's ranking.
Having uncovered what niche or link placement is, we enumerated some rewarding steps to help you build a link placement strategy. These steps will not only get you closer to your ranking goal but transforms your site into one of authority that can eventually be referenced by others. No doubt, you will have to test which ones work best for you. Still, the fact remains that these steps are highly rewarding when followed.