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Journey of Google Panda Algorithm update and how to protect your website from this update

Avoid Plagiarism

Ranking and survey of any product are essential to note down the utility of those companies. Time and again, websites have provided extensive discussion and blogs on plagiarism, its disadvantages, and simultaneously a few subtle advantages.

Google Panda Algorithm application does the work smoothly without any hassle. The same wine in a new bottle, the motive of such applications are to avoid plagiarism to the maximum level possible.

The reasons behind the invention of Google panda:

History plays a robust and impressive role together, for any invention. However tedious it might seem, history craves deep into the truth and search the reason behind any endeavor, successful or not.

To refresh and develop space for new and improved content, the Google Panda update the scale was created to start a back-end ranking of websites. Plagiarism detecting software, whether paid or not, sometimes arise with certain limitations and fail to wipe out unnecessary content.

As a result, the write up is at risk of being tagged plagiarized or copied. Duplicate content sometimes is hard to decipher from within a vast resource. How Google panda helps develop content is quite crucial and subtle. It rejects and penalizes unwanted resources.

Types of Content Get hit by Panda

  1. Thin and content- Weak and unwanted blogs or content bores both reader and Google. Search results come with the implementation of constant updates and efficient writing pieces. Here thereby, a search query fails to yield a fruitful result for a website.

  2. Plagiarized content- Copy-paste of any content never adds to the credit of any writer. So one must be very careful before putting any piece on the website. Cross-checking the research paper might do away with unwanted hassles.

  3. Lack of authority or trust- A website should start its work since day one as a leader. The outlook of any viewer changes because of this impact. The trustworthiness works nicely and makes the user believe and even share their credit card information whenever required.

  4. UGC is of Low Quality- It undoubtedly refers to the low quality of user-generated content or UGC. Content is tagged, so when the blog is monotonous and full of grammatical errors.

  5. Misleading information provided- Many-a-times, it so happens that any content promises to provide the required information, but when clicked, it provides unnecessary information. Here search algorithm update attacks the content and demeans its ranking.

  6. High ad content- It is a disturbance when the constant appearance of advertisements hinders a smooth reading. Often the ads appear along with images. The content-ad ratio mismatches.

  7. Lack of improved backlinks- Credibility of a site gets added with the use of backend links provided. These links are given as acknowledgment for information and ideas lend by other sites. Another problem that comes along with this is the low quality of content farming. The tendency of the site ends up creating a large number of blogs to update the website. Therefore the companies keep several content writers at a low wage.

  8. Blocked several times- Websites filled with more of plagiarized content and thin content are blocked. These put the user at risk of getting directed towards any unwanted link. Hence the websites are blocked by most viewers.

What is Thin Content?

Duplicate content is something that everyone is familiar with, but often writers are unaware of the word thin content. Well, to understand this concept, one needs to know why the Google algorithm is different from the others, well, the main reason behind it is that Google algorithm saves people from being cheated.

Thus, they not just give preferences to duplicate content but also at the same time they give significant importance to thin content, which refers to the irrelevant content. Content that does not add any value to any piece and isn't in any way useful for the readers.

It does not necessarily mean that one particular page having very few words get regarded as thin content by the Panda algorithm. Often this particular problem is faced by those sites that are having multiple pages. A site having multiple pages, but only a few words often come under this.

If a particular site has multiple pages and if those pages are there in the Google index, then the Panda algorithm identifies it as a very low-quality content, and this affects the site's search engine results.

Well, if a site with multiple pages, having one or two thing pages, then that won't be a problem, as Panda won't hit the site. However, if there are numerous such pages, then one can expect to face a severe problem. Thus, it is better than the site owner, and the content creator built the page to provide useful information to their target audience and the readers.

To make a high-quality site, one can take the following steps:

  • The plagiarism detectors serve the primary purpose of any blogger or website. The content is not always copied but might seem so. To end the same online plagiarism checker eases the process by searching the plagiarism, if any. It improves the SEO of any website too.

  • Besides developing original and precise content, using bold and italics for the keywords, too, optimizes the search. Duplicate content never comes to any help for the website. So a try in this field is a full waste of time. Better is to create original content with proper keywords.

  • The first and foremost step should be minutely observing the need of the reader, and with what motive the website should get developed. The search result should not be misleading but improve the reader's insight into a matter. Thereby target the viewers' search history.

  • Headings, subheadings, and tags farther optimize the search result. Every paragraph, once prepared nicely, should be put under proper headings for the ease of the readers. The use of keywords efficiently farther improves the result.

  • Always pay homage to the websites from which provided information to the writers. The outbound links certain the credibility of the blogger or the site and increases SEO. This aids in search quality because the reader understands clearly that the information is doubly confirmed and isn't something vague. Moreover, the outbound link should be authentic and hugely followed by as far as possible.

  • The use of nofollow or dofollow links improve the search quality technically. In the nofollow link, the content gets tagged with 'rel.'

It helps website spam and keeps intact the image of the website and its content. Matt Cutt introduced it in 2005.

The tag is essential when;

  1. Transferring links or PR

  2. Buying or selling links

  • Orient the page with the use of relevant and precise images related to the topic. It, too, improves the ranking of the page.

  • It is opined to use .jpg format for image uploads. Farther Alt tag eases out the search for the reader.

  • Social media sharing of content is also a healthy practice to play the excellent website role for Google panda algorithm. As the adage goes, sharing is caring. The more one shares, the number of viewers for any blog gets increased. It helps in boosting the rank of the website besides increasing the visibility and branding of a company.

  • While taking special care of the originality of a topic, one must even remember that only to serve the purpose of updating the website. One must not use loose writings or unwanted additions to the blog.

  • Average writing quality lessens the ranking. So it is better to upload one impactful writing a day rather than uploading several unimpressive pieces regularly.

How to know that Panda has hit a Site?

The site owner often wonders about their site traffic getting affected, as they do not know how to check for Panda updates. However, checking for it is not a very difficult task.

If the site owner regularly checks the algorithm update, then he/she comes to know about the Panda penalties quickly as the search engine ranking or in other words, the organic traffic of the site gets affected.

However, the ranking may get affected because of several reasons; some of the most significant ones are:

  1. The competitor's site is well-performing than the owner's site, which is why the ranking of the owner's site is getting affected.

  2. The site gets charged with manual penalties, and if such is the case, then the owner of the site should check the Google Search Console to find out the truth behind it.

  3. Often time there is a seasonal dip from the consumer's end, and this is not unexpected, but this can also be the reason behind the sudden loss of rank in the search engine.

  4. The ranking also gets affected may be because Google has come up with a completely different update, such as the Penguin update instead of the Panda update.

Process of Original Content Creation is Difficult, Not Impossible

These days the social media and websites are bombarded with numerous articles. The same topic appears in new and innovative packets. But creating innovation for the same old topic is a difficult task whatsoever.

To put it into effect, every blogger needs the aid of new ideas and following the sample write-ups, how that's get written, and modified, yet keeping the principal intact. Creating original content is difficult but not impossible.

Accumulating all the aspects and maintaining all of it at a time seems a bit messy. Keeping the rank of the website upright along with optimized SEO, can be done with ease if one follows the above steps. However, there are few other steps too that a writer can follow to write contents for high-quality sites, and those are:

  • Before starting a blog, do the research work extensively and finish it with ample information.

  • The next step following the research is the implementation of the resources rightly. Avoiding the exact copy-paste of a phrase or any part in the piece lessens the rework leading out of plagiarism.

Even if you provide a direct quote, then you should remember to 'cite your sources' and put the direct quotes under quotation marks.

  • The immediate step after this is to verify and revise any grammatical errors in the blog. It is drastically unexpected from any professional writer. However, when in a hurry the writer can take the help of the grammar checking online tools

  • The ending touch is put up by the necessary orientations done by the addition of images, apt outbound links, and a nicely prepared page devoid of ads. Even if ads are there, those should be of a minimal amount.

Supposedly all these points together put into effect by any efficient blogger come to the help of a site developer. The rest is left to the owner about how one wants to put that into effect.

So whatever be the impact on the viewer, the endeavor must be honest to reach a more considerable amount of reader. It diminishes the fear of lousy ranking or penalty ushered by the Google Panda algorithm update over any website.


Thus, in conclusion, one can say that Google is different from most search engines because they want their audience or readers to get something useful all the time. To make this goal a success, the engineers are always working. Hence, the writers have to be a bit careful while putting up content on a site so that the Google Panda doesn't hit the site; instead, the site gets top priority with the relevant search query.

To achieve this, the writers need to know how to check plagiarism or to use plagiarism tools, keywords, and also how to use different checkers and SEO tools. It helps in creating those contents that bring maximum traffic on a page.


Author Bio: Copyleaks is one of the best AI based duplicate content checker. This tool gives accurate result and helps to protect your site from Google Panda update. Get a free trial to avoid plagiarism.


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